Microchips are a form of permanent identification for your pet. The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades via a pre-loaded syringe. Rejection of the chip is uncommon and infection at the site is rare. Once inserted it is vitally important to register the chip. Once your pet’s chip is registered, this information will return your lost pet back to you. In addition to a microchip, always have a collar with ID tags on your pet.
Heartworm Prevention:
Canine and Feline Heartworm disease is a serious, life-threatening parasitic infection caused by a long, thin white worm that lives in the blood vessels of the heart. The disease is spread from dog to dog; dog to cat, or cat to cat via the mosquito. The mosquito will bite an infected host and then transmit the parasite to another dog or cat. Heartworms are present in this area. Prevention of the disease for your pet is imperative and simple. Prevention is done with a once a month pill for dogs or topical application for cats. Because of the nature of heartworm disease, year-round treatment is recommended.
Flea Prevention:
Perhaps no other parasite can cause more angst for a pet owner. Fleas carry disease and can transmit parasites to your pets. They also can create allergic conditions in your pet known as flea allergy dermatitis. As with all parasites, prevention is important and simple. The best defense for a flea is a strong offense. Monthly topical preventatives such as Vectra 3D, Seresto, Advantix, NexGard, or Revolution for dogs; and Vectra, Seresto, or Revolution for cats are a simple and easy way to prevent fleas from harming your pet. Year-round use of the preventatives will ensure that your pet does not endure the pain of a flea infestation.
Tick Prevention:
Ticks have one goal in life and that is to feed off your pet. Ticks transmit and carry numerous diseases that can cause injury or death to your pet. Control and prevention of ticks are extremely important to reduce the risk of disease. Fortunately, prevention is simple. Many of the same products that pet owners would use for flea prevention are dual nature and can be used for tick prevention. As with all preventatives, a year-round application will ensure your pet’s risk of ticks or tick-borne diseases is at a minimum.
Obesity is a serious medical condition for any pet. Obesity can cause difficulty breathing, walking and inability to tolerate heat or exercise. Obesity can severely limit the life of your pet. The good news is that an obese pet can get back to his or her svelte physique with a commitment from his or her owner. Limiting treats, portion control, prescription weight reducing diets, or oral medications can help your pet lose weight and reach his or her optimum health.
Intestinal Parasites:
Dogs and cats can be infected by a host of intestinal parasites that can cause symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. The potential risk for parasite infections that are left undiagnosed or untreated is transmitted to humans. The parasites that our pets can be infected with include roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, giardia, tapeworms, and coccidia. Many of these parasites are zoonotic and may be passed to humans; this is why yearly fecal exams and monthly preventatives for parasites are imperative.